
Availability: In Stock

This is your MUST HAVE supplement for your either new or recurring active lifestyle. 


PCN’s MCT oil is rich in potent medium-chain triglycerides and is a “must-have” for an active lifestyle. MCT oil can boost your daily activity, elevate mental clarity and cognition while fueling the mind. For those of you who are doing a low or no-carb diet, it can boost your results easily.

Taking PCN’s MCT Oil with breakfast can help you eat less for lunch and throughout the day due to the feeling of fullness it gives to you. In addition, your body can use MCT oil as an instant source of energy, making it unnecessary to store & accumulate fat. 

PCN’s MCT Oil is a supreme metabolism booster which makes it an indispensable addition for most athletes. Bodybuilders may effectively burn energy to gain muscle, while other athletes benefit from increased stamina and performance. 

PCN’s MCT Oil offers a rich source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), such as lauric acid (C-12) and caprylic acid (C-8). PCN’s MCT oil has very little flavor so you can enjoy the benefits of MCT Oil from palm oil. PCN’s MCT Oil can be added to coffee, keto shakes & smoothies!